Chairman's Message | National Bonds Corporation - Dubai UAE

Message From The Chairman

Al Salamu alaikum and a warm welcome to our website.

Khalifa Al-Daboos


National Bond Corporation Sole Proprietorship P.S.C.

With gratitude on behalf of National Bonds, I extend a heartfelt welcome to all. This digital platform, brimming with financial literacy tips, reflects our commitment to supporting you with accessibility to our Sharia compliant menu of products that are suited to your needs. At National Bonds, we advocate for disciplined savings, empowering individuals to achieve financial goals and bolster the economy. Our innovative solutions cater to diverse needs, aligning with the UAE's vision of economic prosperity for both locals and expatriates living in the country. Since our inception in 2006, National Bonds has weathered global economic shifts, emerging as a beacon of stability. Adapting to challenges, we strategically position ourselves for sustainable growth, guided by unwavering values. Our diverse portfolio of savings & investment products caters to individual and corporate needs, fostering financial growth and security. Through our AED 14 billion investment portfolio, we prioritize maximizing returns while mitigating risks through our diversified investment allocation, ensuring consistent profitability for our bondholders. Over the years, we've distributed over AED 2.9 billion to bondholders, enriching lives through profits & rewards. Our commitment to savings culture is exemplified by initiatives like the AED 35.5 million annual rewards program, making dreams a reality for many. We forge partnerships to drive social impact, exemplified by initiatives like the "Al Manassah" Sukuk Trading Platform and the "Sukuk Al Waqf" program. Our investments in education and sustainability underscore our commitment to building a better tomorrow. With a team of seasoned professionals, we embrace technological advancements to enhance customer experiences and fulfil promises to stakeholders. As we chart the path forward, we remain dedicated to surpassing expectations, delivering enduring value beyond financial returns. Thank you for entrusting us with your financial future. We look forward to serving you for years to come. Khalifa Al Daboos Chairman Khalifa Al-Daboos Chairman National Bond Corporation Sole Proprietorship P.S.C.